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The Open Letter of the Drake
The Open Letter of the Drake
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The Open Letter of the Drake
The Open Letter of the Drake
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Full HD
8 minutes
About how a drake with his beloved looked for a cozy place to live, where they would not be disturbed and no one would try to hunt them down. When they accidentally fell into the protected zone, at first they are very happy, because it seems that now no one will disturb them from acquiring offspring. However, cruel hunters ignore all inhibitions and try to kill as many birds and animals as possible...
About how a drake with his beloved looked for a cozy place to live, where they would not be disturbed and no one would try to hunt them down. When they accidentally fell into the protected zone, at first they are very happy, because it seems that now no one will disturb them from acquiring offspring. However, cruel hunters ignore all inhibitions and try to kill as many birds and animals as possibl