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Man in a Case
Man in a Case
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Man in a Case
Man in a Case
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Full HD
17 minutes
About a teacher Belikov, who, not living in poverty and working, expected some troubles to happen with him. His days were filled with fear his imagination created, and although almost all of his fears did not come true, however, they made him suffer. And to avoid just a little emotional stress, Belikov was trying to escape from the reality around him, to hide somewhere far in the illusions created by himself, to protect against communication...
About a teacher Belikov, who, not living in poverty and working, expected some troubles to happen with him. His days were filled with fear his imagination created, and although almost all of his fears did not come true, however, they made him suffer. And to avoid just a little emotional stress, Belikov was trying to escape from the reality around him, to hide somewhere far in the illusions created