The Tale of a Wonderful Doctor
The Tale of a Wonderful Doctor
IMDb 6.7,
MGG 5.4

The Tale of a Wonderful Doctor

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9 minutes
This happened many centuries ago. One day, a kind and sweet young man was walking through the woods and Death itself met him in the guise of an elderly woman. She took him to her castle, taught all the secrets of the healing art, and then let him go to help people by giving only one covenant - if Death decides to take someone away, he has no right to disobey. He saved many people, but one day, he had to do against her will...
This happened many centuries ago. One day, a kind and sweet young man was walking through the woods and Death itself met him in the guise of an elderly woman. She took him to her castle, taught all the secrets of the healing art, and then let him go to help people by giving only one covenant - if Death decides to take someone away, he has no right to disobey. He saved many people, but one day, he




Ukrainian, Russian, Georgian, Kyrgyz