The Tale of the White Icicle
IMDb 7.1,
MGG 5.0

The Tale of the White Icicle

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Full HD
6 minutes
On the example of the heroes of the cartoon the need to protect the environment, maintain the cleanliness and hygiene is shown. Also it is necessary to take care of yourself when you go somewhere, not to interfere with the established order of visited sites. Penguin and Whale cherished a piece of ice, took care of it, keeping it in pristine whiteness. However, travelers who got to the local beautiful places were not so careful and courteous...
On the example of the heroes of the cartoon the need to protect the environment, maintain the cleanliness and hygiene is shown. Also it is necessary to take care of yourself when you go somewhere, not to interfere with the established order of visited sites. Penguin and Whale cherished a piece of ice, took care of it, keeping it in pristine whiteness. However, travelers who got to the local beauti


Ukrainian, Russian


Ukrainian, Russian, Georgian, Kyrgyz