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Letters from radio operator’s box. Three letters…
Letters from radio operator’s box. Three letters…
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Letters from radio operator’s box. Three letters…
Letters from radio operator’s box. Three letters…
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Full HD
18 minutes
About a radio operator who passes important messages using a special method of transmitting information. Batayava ship, on which the radio operator sails, is in the open sea, and anything can happen with it. There can be bad weather and tense moments for the whole team, our specialist which inform about. The most important and urgent message sometimes contains only three letters – S.O.S., meaning a request for salvation.
About a radio operator who passes important messages using a special method of transmitting information. Batayava ship, on which the radio operator sails, is in the open sea, and anything can happen with it. There can be bad weather and tense moments for the whole team, our specialist which inform about. The most important and urgent message sometimes contains only three letters – S.O.S., meaning