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On Equals
On Equals
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On Equals
On Equals
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Full HD
20 minutes
The movie “On Equals” highlights the experiences of 5 heroes and heroines through the lens of their talent, passions, professionalism, and lust for life. They discuss their journey to their dream jobs - from their school and university education to the best and worst job interviews. The heroes and heroines of the film share their experiences, emphasizing that one must look for opportunities and often even create them. The figures in the film work in various jobs: management, education, and culture, and they teach us to go for our dreams no matter what.
The movie “On Equals” highlights the experiences of 5 heroes and heroines through the lens of their talent, passions, professionalism, and lust for life. They discuss their journey to their dream jobs - from their school and university education to the best and worst job interviews. The heroes and heroines of the film share their experiences, emphasizing that one must look for opportunities and of