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Women in Science. Season 2
Women in Science. Season 2
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Women in Science. Season 2
Women in Science. Season 2
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Full HD
16 minutes
Women in Science is a series of documentary videos by INSCIENCE about Ukrainian women in science during the full-scale Russian invasion.
The heroines will talk about their path in science, their work during the war, and the stereotypes they face.
You will get to know biologist Kateryna Shavanova and radiobiologist Olena Pareniuk and learn about the innovativeness of Ukrainian agriculture and why Chornobyl is an open-air laboratory with no analogs in the world.
Women in Science is a series of documentary videos by INSCIENCE about Ukrainian women in science during the full-scale Russian invasion.
The heroines will talk about their path in science, their work during the war, and the stereotypes they face.
You will get to know biologist Kateryna Shavanova and radiobiologist Olena Pareniuk and learn about the innovativeness of Ukrainian agriculture and w