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Chronicles of Rage. Chapter One: How the Cruiser Moskva Was Sunk
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Chronicles of Rage. Chapter One: How the Cruiser Moskva Was Sunk
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Full HD
48 minutes
The project tells viewers about successes that became landmarks during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The participants are soldiers, ministers, experts and heads of agencies. The film features exclusive footage of the greatest victories in this confrontation, in particular the sinking of the largest tonnage of the enemy's fleet.
Part of the proceeds from the sale of the film will be donated to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
The project tells viewers about successes that became landmarks during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The participants are soldiers, ministers, experts and heads of agencies. The film features exclusive footage of the greatest victories in this confrontation, in particular the sinking of the largest tonnage of the enemy's fleet.
Part of the proceeds from the sale of the film will be donated to the nee