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A Wife Is Not a Wall
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A Wife Is Not a Wall
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Full HD
77 minutes
The story unfolds around one family. The relationship between the couple gradually cools down, and one day the wife discovers that the husband is having an affair on the side. Like many women, she wants to make a scene and confront her husband. But her best friend convinces her not to do that, and to act wisely by finding this mistress and gently getting rid of her. Thus begins the operation to eliminate the rival.
The story unfolds around one family. The relationship between the couple gradually cools down, and one day the wife discovers that the husband is having an affair on the side. Like many women, she wants to make a scene and confront her husband. But her best friend convinces her not to do that, and to act wisely by finding this mistress and gently getting rid of her. Thus begins the operation to el