4 serija
I am a doctor!

I Am a Doctor!

Išbandyti už 0.1 USD
Prie parankinių
Full HD
11 minučių
A doctor's work is not just a profession but an occupation driven by the call of the heart. Currently, thousands of doctors save the lives of Ukrainians in different cities of the country. This project is a series of stories about real heroes of our time and their dedication to their patients even in the most difficult conditions. For example, the authors will tell about oncohematologist Oleksandr.
A doctor's work is not just a profession but an occupation driven by the call of the heart. Currently, thousands of doctors save the lives of Ukrainians in different cities of the country. This project is a series of stories about real heroes of our time and their dedication to their patients even in the most difficult conditions. For example, the authors will tell about oncohematologist Oleksandr


Ukrainiečių, Ukrainiečių su garsiniu aprašu